onsdag den 27. maj 2015

The New Odense University hospital into a new phase

We are now officially in the new phase of our project. It is very interesting, and we are now going towards a more detailed level in the project. We are for example going to design and equip all the rooms of the new hospital. The standard rooms and the unique rooms as well. It is a very important period, that has been underway for some months  now. We started last Wednesday with our user involvement process and a kick meeting. During the next 6 months, we will arrange up to 150 user meetings, were the clinicians will guide us, give input and help us with the different rooms. In the end we have touched and discussed up to 1000 different rooms with the users and asked their opinion on the work processes in the room, the functions in the room, the layout, design, equipment, installations etc. In the end, we believe their input is crucial to our common success.

For the rest of the areas in IT and equipment planning, we work on the IT infrastructure of the hospital, the building related IT systems as BMS, redesign a brand new Concept for the Digital hospital, installing systems in our Mock up at Syddansk sundheds Innovation and most important creating a high end project team to work on solutions based on the Digital hospital concept. We use TOGAF and Business process management as our primarily methods, and will end within the year with very specific suggestions on what to buy, what to upgrade and what systems to close. In the IT management and planning we thereby also has to get more concrete on our work and suggested solutions. I very much look forward to the next period, and the team seems great and very diverse in their abilities. More of that later.

If you would like to take a tour of the new hospital, look at the small movie below. Everything is coming into focus, becoming clear and touchable. For a man like me that likes clear and present goals and concrete achievement the following year will be a ride of joy, excitement and big big challenges of course.

Enjoy - its in danish... sorry

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