tirsdag den 4. marts 2014

Never let perfect be the enemy of good

I attended Himss 14 in Orlando last week. I participated in the Nordic ehealth exchange program, which I found was a great success. We discussed in the Nordic group on which strategy to implement within our countries, regions or hospitals. Best of breed or best of suite. Let me tell you, nothing is easy within the healthcare IT sector and that question especially fuelled a lively debate between my Nordic colleagues. A representative from Kaiser Permanente introduced the term “Integrated suite approach”, where I guess the best of both worlds unite into a seamless integrated platform for the individual clinician.  Utopia or reality? Well I like the term and it is probably that rather pragmatic approach we all take, because no suite can handle it all and silo best of breed needs integration.

Besides the above I learned through a short status from Island (all countries gave one) that they have decentralised databases and by a quick calculation – they have a fragmented EHR landscape with approximately 1 DB pr 23.000 inhabitants.! I guess it is not easy even for small countries.

But as a general learning point we all are battling with the same issues. Less founding, more elderly and conical patients – You all know the song. When you try to fix the problems and do better every day for the good of the patients one thing is certain. Small steps where you test, learn, correct, test etc is crucial. We tend to fix everything in one project and the risk it introduces is just enormously. As one said –

Never let the perfect be the enemy of good.

I guess it is correct when you do business process improvements either by IT or other means of change. In Odense we are building a hospital on a bare field, and even though we can start all over, we also have to work with legacy systems, old habits and organisational forms and local desires. But maybe we are in a unique position to really try the business process re engineering? We are going to try a total different approach on our way of delivering logistics.

I hope it is for the better for I know it will never be entirely perfect.

Thank you all my Nordic colleagues for an intriguing 3 days in Orlando. We can do much on our own, but even more together – And the Nordics are in front – let us keep that way. My only regret is that I did not engage with other participants as much as I should have done - I guess it is my loss.. but hey..see you all next year.
Read more: Is the correlation between business and IT strategy yesterday’s struggle?
Read more: Centre for Innovative Medical Technologies, CIMT  

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