mandag den 4. januar 2016

Digital wayfinding can be challenging

Orientation Strategy and specific navigation solutions will have a clear digital element in hospitals now and in the future. Digital technologies will be more mobile and able to handle larger amounts of data so that the hospital users ( patients, relatives and employees, etc. ) will increasingly benefit from solutions that can support a personal, contextual, secure and clear way of navigation.

The following conceptual elements can be a help for hospitals that want a way-finding strategy and concrete solutions afterwards.

Principles of digital find your way systems in hospitals

The following principles will guide the preparation of the actual digital navigation solutions.

  1. Digital way-finding information must be easily accessible and offered on multiple platforms and they must be overlapping.
  2. Digital way-finding information has to be context-sensitive, for example, be based on the current location as well as for example the time of day.
  3. Digital way-finding information must be specific to the individual, for example, be based on the actual booking and show the way there.
  4. Digital way-finding information must be offered to both external (patients / relatives / suppliers) and internal personnel (employees).
  5. Digital way-finding information should complement analogue information (signs, letters, colours, landmarks, entry numbers, addresses, etc.) as a single coherent system.
  6. Digital way-finding solutions must exploit the existing (if any) Real Time Location System (RTLS)
  7. Digital way-finding systems should support the trip To the hospital (home-> Hospital/parking-> entrance->destination) but also support the trip home (destination->Exit-> Hospital/parking-> home).
  8. Digital way-finding systems must import map data from central systems such as Facility management’s operating system. Imports must be automatic and for example serve as a subscription (master-slave).
  9. Data should in whole or in subsets be exhibited to third party suppliers. This could be addresses, entrances, parking lots, playgrounds, sections etc.
  10. Digital solutions must be based on business requirements and wishes materialized in the way finding strategy and clinical concepts on the hospital.
  11. Digital signage must be coupled with clinical and administrative data, in order to offer a relevant way-finding information. For example: Digital signage at the local level coupled with clinical booking / scheduling system, so content on the door screens outside each room reflects the actual planned treatments or signage in conference rooms / auditoriums reflect agreements in meeting room booking system.
  12. Data on the use of the way-finding solutions(eg type of searches and where they occur) must be accessible, so it is possible to continuously analyze and optimize the composition and signage information based on real-time usage patterns.

Three geographic levels of way finding

Navigation on the hospital should be able to guide the patient from a remote location (eg. Home) through to the hospital. Upon arrival, systemss) recommend the most appropriate parking area in relation to the recommended input on the New OUH, and thus the location of the department, the patient must visit. Intern in New OUH's building stock to be offered a clear, timely and contextual navigation assistance to all staff and visitors / patients.

Digital way-finding information can thus be divided into three geographic levels.

These are:
1. From the remote location (or home) to the hospital
Patients, relatives, business etc must be helped to find their way between a remote location and forward to hospital. This could also be navigation for internal transport between different hospitals within a organizational unit.

2. From the hospital premises to parking and entrance
When patients, families, external suppliers etc. arrives at the hospital, they are offered navigation to the area that are closest to their destination. For patients, this information may be retrieved in a clinical booking system, while external transport will have to navigate to the goods reception.

From the entrance to the local destination.
Patients, families, employees, etc. should be able to get navigation aid within the hospital, which are contextual and based on the relative position between their current position and their destination.

Client Equipment usually found in way finding suites across the hospital

Way-finding stands
Larger stands with touch screens for interactive use, for example in a vestibule.

Digital signs

Smaller screens for digital signage for either use in hallways vertical or horizontal signs or possibly as elevator sign

Digital information screens
Larger screens for use as info screens for use in waiting rooms, receptions and other places where patients and relatives are present.

Way-finding  Apps
Way finding apps on the smart phone could focus on the parking area, entrances or guiding to final destination.

Digital door signs
Small door signs with text on room number and booking info as relevant clinician or type of room.

Digital signs in terrain
Larger signs in the terrain that can show info on contextual directions, overview maps and general information.

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